Known Easter Eggs:

  1. On the Homepage, if you click/press the header "Mountain Dream IT" it will shift to the left. If you move your mouse/rub your finger over the "M" then click/press the header again, it will change color based on your mood - kind of like a mood ring. A Mood Header?
  2. On the Homepage, there is a small can or "trash" located in the "fire pit" near the bottom center of the image. Clicking or pressing that takes you to something called the Time Lock, which has something to do with binary code and the current minutes.
  3. In the Portfolio Exercises, the Crystal Ball needs to be asked 3 specific questions. A Monty Python reference appears if one waits a bit.
  4. In the Portfolio Exercises, the Calculator-Converter has a rather adolescent, sophomoric, and immature Easter Egg. The total has to equal 5318008, which can simply be entered directly.
  5. The Sardo Numspa Audio Player is clearly a "Golden Child" reference, but I-I-I-I-I-I-I don't get it.
  6. There are at least 3 Easter Eggs not worth mentioning.
  7. In what may be the world's first cross-site easter egg, the easter egg over at broke into four pieces. Finding all 4 pieces (The Rabbi, The Goddess, The Mathematician and The Statesman) on that site unlocks something on this site. It's probably best to start here.